香港創科展頒獎典禮 - 得獎名單出爐

  • 刊登日期: 2024年6月17日

【香港創科展頒獎典禮 - 得獎名單出爐🏆】
✨香港創科展第二日,亦都係最緊張嘅一日!各個組別嘅得獎名單經已公佈,唔知當中有無你哋投選嘅心水作品呢? 😆。


🥇金獎:「掃」書郎 [吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校]
🥈銀獎:Myopia (Short-sightedness) Control Helmet [拔萃女小學]
🥉銅獎:築君安好 [基督教宣道會徐澤林紀念小學]

🥇金獎:除除善友 [天主教培聖中學]
🥈銀獎:低溫快煮 [文理書院(九龍)]
🥉銅獎:「語」你同行 [德愛中學]
🥉銅獎:環保空調伴侶 [基督教香港信義會信義中學]

🥇金獎:盲人回憶攝錄機 [東華三院李嘉誠中學]
🥈銀獎:Online Protection Recognition System [聖保羅男女中學]
🥉銅獎:Aiya [香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會鄭榮之中學]

❤小學組:Smart Anti-Flooding Environment (SAFE) [新加坡國際學校 (香港)]
❤初中組:智惜冷藏 [聖士提反女子中學]
❤高中組:Tide [聖保祿學校]


【Hong Kong Science Fair Award Presentation Ceremony - The List of Winners Is Out 🏆】

✨ The second day of the Hong Kong Science Fair was also the most exciting one! The list of winners for each division has been announced. I wonder if any of the projects you voted for are among the winners? 😆

The following are the winning projects from all divisions of Hong Kong Science Fair 2023-2024. Feel free to leave a message to congratulate all the young inventors! 💬~

Primary Division
🥇Gold Award:Subject Helper [Ng Clan's Association Tai Pak Memorial School]
🥈Silver Award:Myopia (Short-sightedness) Control Helmet [Diocesan Girls' Junior School]
🥉Bronze Award:築君安好 [C.&M.A. Chui Chak Lam Memorial School]

Junior Secondary Division
🥇Gold Award:EasyPants Buddy [Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School]
🥈Silver Award:Lower-temperature, Faster-cooking [Cognitio College (Kowloon)]
🥉Bronze Award:WEconnect [Tak Oi Secondary School]
🥉Bronze Award:Environmentally Friendly Air Conditioning Companion [ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School]

Senior Secondary Division
🥇Gold Award:盲人回憶攝錄機 [TWGHs Li Ka Shing College]
🥈Silver Award:Online Protection Recognition System [St. Paul's Co-educational College]
🥉Bronze Award:Aiya [Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College]

Most Popular Award
❤Primary Division:Smart Anti-Flooding Environment (SAFE) [Singapore International School (Hong Kong)]
❤ Junior Secondary Division:Smart Fridge Saver [St. Stephen's Girls' College]
❤ Senior Secondary Division:Tide [St. Paul's Convent School]

Congratulations to all winners again!
香港創科展 Hong Kong Science Fair
📱 電話 Tel & WhatsApp: 9026 3169 (From Mon to Fri: 9am - 6pm; Except Public Holidays)
📧 電郵 Email: [email protected]
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#香港創科展 #大想頭齊創新 #HongKongScienceFair #ThinkBigBeInnovative #得獎隊伍 #WinningTeams


